Central Jersey Genealogical Club


The Central Jersey Genealogical Club [CJGC] was founded in 1994 after attendees at a library genealogy class decided they could help each other and meet new genealogy hobbyists if they organized and met regularly.

Our goals are to add to local community resources, and membership education. Each meeting features a speaker with advanced knowledge of the topic. Our Club publishes a newsletter to alert members to what is new and what is happening in our area.

Central Jersey is where we live. Our interests are worldwide. The Central Jersey Genealogical Club is open to all those interested in genealogy - beginner or experienced.

Join The Central Jersey Genealogical Club Click here to get a membership application and submit the necessary dues of $25 per year, or $40 per family. Annual membership shall run January through December. Members receive our newsletter and speaker handouts, add the surnames they are researching to our surname list and they will vote on issues and decisions of the club.
Refer A Friend to The Central Jersey Genealogical Club and receive $5.00 off of your membership. Click here to get a referral form.
Books For Sale!

Our wonderful and talented Past President, Carol Sheaffer and her mother, Margaret Sheaffer, both have written books on their Sheaffer and Earlin family branches.

We have several of these books for purchase, they are on sale for $10.00 each plus shipping, if required. If interested, please email President, Suzanne Chludzinski at president@cjgcnj.com to place your order.
Calling all Visitors!

Central Jersey Genealogical Club Meetings are Open to Visitors for a $5 Fee.

Monthly Club Meetings will be held virtually on the second Tuesday of every month for the remainder of 2023. If you are not a member, but would like to participate in the virtual meeting as a visitor, there is a $5 fee to be admitted to the Virtual Meeting. Please email membership@cjgcnj.com to register for the meeting. Payment must be made by check payable to CJGC and mailed to PO BOX 9903, Hamilton, NJ 08650-1903. Payment must be received no later than the Monday before the Tuesday meeting in order to participate. If you choose to become a member, the $5 visitor fee will be applied to your membership fee for the remainder of the 2023 season and will cover you through December 2023.


The Club has a link page called Diggin' for Roots to aid in your research. Click here to check it out.

Check out our Facebook page   

CJGC is a member of The National Genealogical Society.